Our Team

Paul Armstrong

Paul Armstrong

Paul grew up in Melbourne and received a bachelor of computer science from Melbourne University. Specialising in computer infrastructure, he provided consulting services for several years before moving to the USA. There Paul worked for Google as well as a number of startups; taking a passion for improving processes and creating scalable infrastructure with him. During this time, Paul discovered SCUBA diving and pursued it as a holiday passion.

After two decades in computing, Paul decided to take a couple of years travelling and SCUBA diving. He travelled around Europe, diving off the coast of Spain before moving to Utila in Honduras to gain his instructors certification. He stayed there through the early days of the pandemic and refined his craft.

After leaving Honduras, Paul continued to expand his education and experience off the US West coast. He then moved back to Australia to teach diving in Cairns, on the Great Barrier Reef, before moving to Bundaberg. In 2022, he completed his Staff instructor certification.

With over 15 years of dive experience and a decade of management experience from his computer career, Paul decided to found Dive Coaching Australia. The driving reason for doing so is because he believes dive education is a professional service that provides a journey, not a destination.

We strongly believe that learning well is more valuable than getting a certification card and that education is more valuable than training. This is why we provide personalised coaching services focused on shared growth with you. Learning good habits and practices the first time; building habits that lead to being better, more respectful divers; and fostering a growth mindset in all our clients.